About Me
I have been facilitating Embodiment sessions since 2008, when I graduated from the 5Rhythms teacher training with Gabrielle Roth at the Moving Centre School in New York. In 2012 I became a Founding Member of Open Floor International, I have been teaching Open Floor extensively since then. I have a further training to teach Libido Fundamentals, an Embodied Sexuality programme, trained by Andrea Juhan. I am on the Faculty of Trainers of the Open Floor Teacher Training, and am a Supervisor for Open Floor Teachers. I am registered as a trainee with UKCP and am working as a therapist in a hospice while I attain my full UKCP accreditation and complete my MA in Gestalt Psychotherapy.
In this conversation with Jacqui Grace, I share my first experiences with conscious dance, and current study.
My background in the arts allowed me a way to offer many installations for workshops and trainings, here in the uk and many in California. Having an installation in the dance space is a visual representation of the focus of the teaching, another way of communicating non-verbally, or beyond-verbally. Artwork offers us a tactile, tangible translation of the teaching. I offered ‘Dance Your Art Out’ workshops and was instrumental in developing the ‘Art in Motion’ department of Open Floor.